little intro
hello, i'm moses. an engineer and a designer... unless we're geeking out over architectures, layouts, fonts, or that sweet interaction design shit, you won't find me doing anything else
mad respect for the hustlers, y'know? those pixel-perfect obsessives who lose sleep over a misaligned div. that's my kinda crazy..
started programming journey at a very tender age. thought i'd be the next zuck, ended up being more zuck himself (but in reverse). spent more time tweaking code than taking pics. classic.
a cs graduate studied in lagos, nigeria with quite a number of merits/awards. i'm that weirdo who gets high on fonts, dreams in design, and preaches the gospel of auto-layout. self-taught, detail-obsessed, and running on pure water, zero caffeine and imposter syndrome.
inspiration? passion, man. that extra mile bullshit everyone talks about? i live there. one pixel can make or break a design. simple. effective. honest. that's the dream. now excuse me while i go realign some buttons for the 47th time today.

If you’re leading a company, agency, or startup and are on the hunt for outstanding frontend and design engineering skills—or if you’re building a dynamic team—let’s connect. i’m here to help.